How will Belgrade look like after the underground gaarges construction? - The biggest garage at Students'square, works expected to start in late 2015 (PHOTO)
Belgrade citizens are wondering
these days while listening to the city authorities’ announcements if underground
garage will finally solve problems with parking and how central capital cities will
look like after their construction.
Construction of four underground garages – below the Student’s square, in Kosovska
street, at the National Library (in Skerliceva street) and at Djeram pijaca, is
one of the central projects authorities in Belgrade are planning for the
upcoming period. The city manager, Goran Vesci, said a few days ago that the
first garage will be at Students’ square where he expects works late next or early
2016. It will be followed by the remaining three.
Vesic announced numerous investors have already showed they are interested so
we are hoping it will really happen.
The City made the first step and is now looking for a
consultant for preparation of public call for PPP, which should be published next
year. Tender for EBRD finance consulatnt and it was open until November 21. It
is expected EBRD will soon announce who is selected and according to their announcements,
the consultant should start work in early 2015.
There is a preliminary design for 4 garages
and for the one at the Djeram market there is also a construction permit.
Namely, the garage is a part of former project of Djeram market reconstruction
which comprised reconstruction of the market, construction of office center
with two towers, a square and shops.
(Entrance at garage at Students’ square)
Urban projects which are available for public inspection today and tomorrow only at the Secretariat for urban planning of Belgrade have recently been finished for the remaining three facilities.
Up to 1.700 parking places
As announced from the city administration, four parking zones should provide at
least 1.700 new parking places in Belgrade. Still, the exact number will be
known when main designs are completed and of course when the opinion of the interested
investors is heard. The biggest garage should be the one below the Students’ square
which will have place for more than 750 cars.
It was planned this part of the city to change its look completely. Namely, trolley turnaround will be above the underground garage for some time but the plan is that in the future it is located at Dorcol.
When the underground garage at the Students; square is completed, the trolley
turnaround will stay above it for some time. Vesic announces that “in the near
future”, its relocation to Dorcol was planned. It depends on city budget but it
is definite that Students’ square should become a pedestrian zone. “The
relocation of trolleys” was contained in the Detailed Regulation plan of the
area between Francuska, Cara Dusana, Tadeusa Koscuskog streets and the old railroad
at Dorcol, eKapija has already written about.
While we are waiting for a tender and private partner who will provide us answers
to questions in the beginning of the text, we are presenting how future underground
garages should look like i.e. how capital streets could look like when garages
are built.