Tatjana Terzić (Raiffeisen Investment, 2006)
Tatjana Terzić, Head of Serbia&Mointenegro and Bosnia&Herzegovina
Tel: +43 1 710 54 00 57
Tatjana joined Raiffeisen Investment in 1998, managing since then a large number of privatisation and M&A projects in the SEE region. Her experience includes privatisations in Serbia (privatisation of more than 20 companies in various sectors including the national oil company - NIS), Montenegro (Privatisation of Telecom Montenegro, Electricity Company and tourism assets), and Bosnia & Herzegovina (privatisation of the pool of companies in miscellaneous sector, privatisation of Telecom Srpske), as well as advisory services to major investors active in the region. She started her carrier in the Ministry of Economy of Montenegro. Before joining Raiffeisen Investment, she worked for KPMG Corporate Finance in Budapest. Tatjana holds an MA degree in Economics.
Tatjana Terzic is Head of the offices in Serbia&Mointenegro and Bosnia&Herzegovina
izvor : http://www.raiffeisen-investment.com